Ero sivun ”Kreikan Cup” versioiden välillä
(Ak: Uusi sivu: If you were looking for other versions of Grepolympia, please refer to: Grepolympia or Winter Grepolympia. center = '''Grepolympia...) |
(→Shop) |
Rivi 396: | Rivi 396: | ||
|} | |} | ||
== ''' | == '''Kauppa''' == | ||
Kun urheilija alkaa ansaita palkintoja, voit viedä ne kauppaan ja vaihtaa ne alla lueteltuihin esineisiin: | |||
{|align="center" style="background:#FFE7B4" border="1px" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="1" | {|align="center" style="background:#FFE7B4" border="1px" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="1" | ||
!width="150px" | ''' | !width="150px" | '''Esine''' | ||
!width="80px" | ''' | !width="80px" | '''Hinta''' | ||
!width="350px" | ''' | !width="350px" | '''Kuvaus''' | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost archer.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost archer.png]] | ||
Jousiampujan vahvistus V | |||
|align="center"|30 | |align="center"|30 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti jousiampujia | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost hoplite.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost hoplite.png]] | ||
Hopliitin vahvistus V | |||
|align="center"|30 | |align="center"|30 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti hopliitteja | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost sword.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost sword.png]] | ||
Miekkasoturien vahvistusV | |||
|align="center"|30 | |align="center"|30 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti miekkasotureita. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Instant resources all.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Instant resources all.png]] | ||
Sekalainen resurssipaketti | |||
|align="center"|30 | |align="center"|30 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Jumalat takaavat sinulle resursseja. | ||
Sillä hetkellä valittuna oleva kaupunkisi saa heti puuta, kiveä ja hopeakolikoita. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost attack ship.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost attack ship.png]] | ||
Liekinheittoalusten vahvistus IV | |||
|align="center"|35 | |align="center"|35 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti liekinheittoaluksia. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost bireme.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost bireme.png]] | ||
Kaksisoudun vahvistus V | |||
|align="center"|35 | |align="center"|35 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti kaksisoutuja. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit movement boost1.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit movement boost1.png]] | ||
Parannettu joukkojen siirtyminen X | |||
|align="center"|100 | |align="center"|100 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi ykisköt matkaavat normaalia nopeammin. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Longterm defense boost.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Longterm defense boost.png]] | ||
Tykheen rohkaisuI | |||
|align="center"|100 | |align="center"|100 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Tykhe antaa joukoillesi rohkeutta puolustaa kaupunkiasi täydellä teholla. | ||
Kaupungin puolustusyksiköt ovat 50% tehokkaampia 7 päivän ajan. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Longterm attack boost.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Longterm attack boost.png]] | ||
Tykhen valaistus I | |||
|align="center"|100 | |align="center"|100 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Tykhe sytyttää joukkojesi sisäisen palon.. | ||
Kaupungin hyökkäysyksiköt ovat 10% tehokaampia 7 päivän ajan. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Longterm festival resource boost.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Longterm festival resource boost.png]] | ||
Tykhen ilonjuhla I | |||
|align="center"|100 | |align="center"|100 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Tykhe kohottaa kansasi moraalia ja antaa elämäniloa. | ||
Kaupunkijuhlan hintaa laskee 20% 7 päivän ajan. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost harpy.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost harpy.png]] | ||
Harpyijan vahvistus IV | |||
|align="center"|150 | |align="center"|150 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti harpyjoita. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost manticore.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost manticore.png]] | ||
Mantikorin vahvistus I | |||
|align="center"|150 | |align="center"|150 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti mantikoreja. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost fury.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Unit training boost fury.png]] | ||
Erinyksien vahvistusI | |||
|align="center"|150 | |align="center"|150 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Kaupunkisi saa jatkuvasti eniryksiä. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Shopitem grepolympia effect population boost.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Shopitem grepolympia effect population boost.png]] | ||
Suuri maan laajennus | |||
|align="center"|500 | |align="center"|500 laakeria | ||
|align="center"|100 | |align="center"|100 lisäväestöä pysyvästi saatavana kaupungissasi. | ||
Raja: 300 väestöä per kaupunki | |||
|- | |- | ||
|align="center"|[[file:Acumen.png]] | |align="center"|[[file:Acumen.png]] | ||
Valppaus | |||
|align="center"|500 | |align="center"|500 laakeria | ||
|align="center"| | |align="center"|Yliluonnollinen energia virtaa joukkojesi kehoihin, jotta he voivat taistella erityisen valppaasti seuraavien tuntien ajan. | ||
Saamasi taistelupisteet kerrotaan 2:lla seuraavan 12 tunnin ajan. Tämä vaikutus koskee jokaista kaupunkiasi. | |||
|- | |- | ||
|} | |} |
Versio 7. kesäkuuta 2018 kello 18.01
If you were looking for other versions of Grepolympia, please refer to: Grepolympia or Winter Grepolympia.
Grepolympia – Kreikan Cup
Koe Kreikan Cupin aikana antiikin Kreikan pallopeli Episkyros! Grepolympian ryhmän jäsenenä kohtaat kolmen päivän aikana tapahtuvissa otteluissa erilaisia vastustajia. Jokaiselle ottelulle on urheilija, jonka voit kouluttaa päivittäin ja osallistua Grepolympian-otteluihin. Osallistumispalkinnot ovat laakereita, ja niitä voi vaihtaa kauppapaikalla resursseihin, loitsuihin tai muihin vaikutuksiin. Paras liittouma voittaa ainutlaatuiset vaikutukset jokaisen ottelun lopussa ja 15 parhaan pelaajan edustajat edustavat Grepolympialaisia vastaan neljästä kuuluisasta kreikkalaisesta joukkueesta: Ateenan sotapöllöt, Spartan hopliitit, Korinttin pegasukset ja Olympian salamat. Jotta voit tulla paremmaksi ja sijoittua kärkeen, sinun on opetettava urheilijoille taitoja, joilla voittaa nämä erilaisia taiotoja omaavat vastustajat, joten käytä koulutuspisteesi viisaasti.
Otteluiden aikataulut
Päivät 1-3 | Päivät 4-6 | Päivät 7-9 | Päivät 10-12 |
Ateenan sotapöllöt |
Spartan hopliitit |
Korinttin pagasus |
Olympuksen salamat |
For each match, you have an athlete that you can train. In order to train him, you need units (land or mythical units) to assist. You can rely on any unit from any city to help with the training but be warned - Units used for training will be permanently taken from the army.
The Training Grounds offers 2 free training slots, and another 2 can be purchased for 100 and 200 gold respectively. These slots remain active throughout all matches. The number of units that can be trained in each slot is limited, and this results in the training time being 1.5 hours per slot.
Once you begin training your athlete, you cannot cancel it and you cannot get the units back. Think carefully whether you wish to use that unit. Each unit used will provide training points for your athlete, and each unit provides a different amount.
The table below provides information about each unit and the training points given. You can also use gold to allow your athlete to train 20% more effectively over 12 hours. This allows you to gain more training points than would be normal. This effect carries over to the next match if started towards the end of the match's time frame.
- The values for training points are relative to the game speed (formula: training points/game speed).
- The amount of units per training slot is also relative to game speed (formula: units*world speed).
There are 3 skills for each match which your athlete can learn. Since every opponent has a different strategy, it is recommended to set your skills wisely. Your goal should be to gain as many skill points as quickly as possible and to distribute them amongst the different skills. This is the only way for your athlete to perform better. For every 1000 training points you will receive 1 skill point.
Ottelu | Ateena | Sparta | Korintti | Olympus |
Taitosarjat | Nopeus, tekniikka, kestävyys | Keskittyminen, vahvuus, kestävyys | Keskittyminen, tekniikka, nopeus | Henki, keskittyminen, vahvuus |
- Note: As there is a different skill set for each match, the training points gained for each match will reset after the completion of the match.
If the distribution of your skill points is not working out as expected, you can reset them for 50 gold. This lets you find the optimum distribution of points to help your athlete reach the top of the table.
Your athlete can enter into a match once every 12 hours. If you wish to use gold you can enter as often as you like, however, entry costs will increase with each entry. Your personal outcome of the match will depend on how many skill points you have allocated during training. You'll have to try your best to find the optimal combination.
Depending on how well your athlete contributed to the match, you will receive laurels as a reward. The laurels can be exchanged in the shop for various items. The table below shows how many laurels your athlete will receive based on their performance.
Laakerit | Ateenan sotapöllöt | Spartan hopliitit | Korinttin pegasukset | Olympuksen salamat |
40 | 0 - 44.99 s | 0 - 49.99 s | 0 - 48.99 s | 0 - 48.99 s |
50 | 45 - 64.99 s | 50 - 69.99 s | 49 - 65.99 s | 49 - 68.99 s |
55 | 65 - 89.99 s | 70 - 89.99 s | 66 - 89.99 s | 69 - 89.99 s |
60 | 90 - 119.99 s | 90 - 109.99 s | 90 - 114.99 s | 90 - 109.99 s |
65 | 120 - 149.99 s | 110 - 139.99 s | 115 - 134.99 s | 110 - 129.99 s |
70 | 150 - 189.99 s | 140 - 164.99 s | 135 - 159.99 s | 130 - 154.99 s |
80 | 190+ s | 165+ s | 160+ s | 155+ s |
The player ranking is based on the athlete's best result during a match, so each player will appear only once in the ranking.
For the alliance ranking, the contributions to the match of the ten best athletes of an alliance will be considered, and an average value will be calculated. In case there are less than 10 alliance members taking part in a match, each missing member will account for "0" points in the calculations.
Tämän hetkinen sijoitus (Yhteisö)
The top 15 players of each game world and match will make it to the starting lineup of the Grepolympians and face the opposing teams directly. They are being supported by the top 15% of all players of the match. Their combined points will result in the team's score. The team with the highest score at the end of the match, wins.
The 4 Greek teams will each start with a set score. Once per match, they will realize that a change in strategy may be in order and then increase their efforts to achieve an even higher score value, meaning that their initial score set at the beginning of the match is updated once before the match ends. This can happen at any time during the match, apart from the final 5 hours of the encounter. Should the Grepolympians be victorious in a match, all players who have participated at least once in every match of the Greek Cup up until this point, will receive a community reward.
In case you missed one of the exciting matches, you may check back on previous scores as well, clicking on the respective opponent’s team crest.
In addition to the rewards alliances and players can receive, there are various awards that can be earned as well during the Greek Cup. This includes new awards for the top 15 players of each match.
Pelaajan palkinnot
Depending on the contribution to a match, a player's athlete will earn a certain amount of laurels based on their performance. These laurels can then be exchanged in the shop for personal reward items.
Liittoutuman palkinnot
At the end of each match, the top 10 alliances will receive an 'effect' as a reward. This effect is tied to membership within the alliance. When joining or leaving the alliance, the effect is thus activated or deactivated respectively. The strength, or intensity, of this effect will depend on where the alliance places in the rankings. Duration: 14 Days from the enactment of the reward.
Yhteisön palkinnot
If the Grepolympians win their match against their opponents, all players who paticipated in a match before this victory will benefit from great community rewards:
Kun urheilija alkaa ansaita palkintoja, voit viedä ne kauppaan ja vaihtaa ne alla lueteltuihin esineisiin:
After the Greek Cup ends
If you still have laurel leaves left over at the end of the Greek Cup, don't worry because you can still spend your remaining laurels for a little while afterwards! The shop will remain open for 2 days after the event has ended to give you time to decide which items you want to buy.