Maailman lopputavoite
Olympos-maailmoissa tärkein tavoitteesi on vangita ja pitää Olymposta maailman nopeuden mukaisesti määrätyn ajan, sen jälkeen kun se on kutenut. Jos onnistut voittamaan maailman, liittoutumasi palkitaan kultaisella viitalla, joka alentaa sankarin rekrytointikustannuksia 10%.
Yhteenveto Olympoksesta
Tässä pelitilassa maailman koko on rajoitettu, mutta kaikki saaret ovat avoinna asuttamiselle, jonka johdosta voit laajentaa ja tehdä strategioita.
Olympoksen vangitseminen on suuri haaste, mutta sinä ja liittolaisesi voitte käyttää pienten ja suurten temppelien apua pyrkiessään valloittamaan Olymposta.
Nämä temppelit antavat omistajalleen jumalallisia voimia. Sinä ja liittolainen voit suunnitella ja päättää, mihin temppeliin ja valtuuksiin keskityt tavoitteesi saavuttamiseksi.
Lisäksi Olympuksen loppupeli on jaettu neljään eri vaiheeseen, temppelin esivaiheeseen, pieniin temppeleihin, suuriin temppeleihin ja Olympokseen. Yksityiskohtaisempaa tietoa jokaisesta vaiheesta tuonnempana, mutta puhutaan ensin temppeleistä ja esitemppeleiden vaiheesta.
Alla on lyhyt yhteenveto temppeleihin liittyvistä perussäännöistä:
- Temppelit alkavat neutraaleina kaupunkeina.
- Kaikissa temppeleissä on neutraalit puolustusyksiköt.
- Liittoumat voivat valloittaa nämä temppelit ikään kuin ne olisivat tavanomaisia kaupunkeja.
- Pelaajat, jotka eivät kuulu liittoutumaan, eivät voi valloittaa temppeliä.
- Temppeleillä on jumalallisia voimia, jtoka myönnetään sen haltijalle (kaikille liittoutuman pelaajille).
- Liittoumat voivat pitää hallussaan vain rajoitetun määrän temppeleitä.
- Jokaiseen temppeliin on annettu jumala, ja voit tukea temppeliä kyseisen jumalan myyttisillä yksiköillä.
- Kun temppeli on vangittu, temppeliin heitetään kilpi 24 tunniksi, joka suojaa sitä mahdollisilta hyökkäyksiltä tuona aikana.
- Temppeleitä ei voi vakoilla.
- Templeillä ei ole resursseja, joita voitaisiin ryöstää.
- Et voi langettaa loitsuja temppeleihin.
- Kaikki temppeleihin sijoitetut yksiköt ovat koko ajan kaikkien muiden pelaajien nähtävissä.
- Kaapattuja temppeleitä ei voida hylätä.
Olympos maailman vaiheet
Kuten aiemmin mainittiin, Olympoksen maailmat on jaettu neljään vaiheeseen. Alla löydät selitykset jokaisesta vaiheesta. Jokaisella Olympos-maailman vaiheella on erilainen pituus maailman asetusten perusteella. Alta löydät esimerkkejä joistakin maailmanasetuksista ja niiden vaikutuksista Olympoksen pituuteen:
Maailman nopeus | Pienten temppeleihin alkaminen (päivää alusta) | ||
Hidas | Normaali | Nopea | |
1 | 60 | 45 | 30 |
2 | 51 | 38 | 25 |
3 | 42 | 31 | 21 |
4 | 33 | 24 | 16 |
Maailman nopeus | Suurten temppeleihin alkaminen (päivää alusta) | ||
Hidas | Normaali | Nopea | |
1 | 210 | 170 | 130 |
2 | 178 | 144 | 110 |
3 | 147 | 119 | 91 |
4 | 115 | 93 | 71 |
Maaiman nopeus | Olympos vaiheen alkaminen (päivää suuret temppelit kutevat) * | ||
Hidas | Normaali | Nopea | |
1 | 40 | 35 | 30 |
2 | 34 | 29 | 25 |
3 | 28 | 24 | 21 |
4 | 22 | 19 | 16 |
*Olympus stage is triggered either once all 6 Large Temples are captured, or by the value in the table above, whichever comes first.
Pre-Temple Stage
This is the first stage of an Olympus world, and is generally the same as any regular world start. The main exceptions and changes for Olympus worlds are as follows:
- Small temples are already scattered around the map.
- You can view the small temples but cannot attack, support or conquer them in this stage.
- You can expand to any island in the world (no further islands will unlock).
To really take advantage of the Pre-temples stage, alliances should use the time to establish a foothold close to the temples they want to conquer, which offer the buffs they are most interested in.
Small Temples Stage
In the Small temple stage, all of the small temples scattered across the world will unlock, allowing you and your alliance to begin your hunt for Olympus. The total number of Small Temples available in a world depends on the settings of that world. Each alliance can hold only 5 Small Temples at a time, so it is important to ensure that you choose wisely when considering which temples to conquer. Make sure the buff it offers, as well as the strategic location both match your alliance's plans. Temple buffs are also randomly distributed throughout the world. When your alliance conquers a Small Temple, all members of the alliance receive the buff it gives in all of their cities.
Lastly, some small temples also act as Portals. These portals are used as a doorway to Olympus later in the world, and allow alliances to reach Olympus even if it isn't close to their home base. For a more detailed description of Portal temples, please see the Portal Temples section later in this article.
Large Temple Stage
At the start of the Large Temple stage, six temples will spawn, one for each god. These temples will always spawn in the midway point between the center of the world and the last available island on the edge, and they are distributed in an equidistant manner. This ensures that the Large Temples remain reachable for all alliances throughout the world. The exact location may vary based on other factors. Each alliance can only hold 2 Large Temples, so much like Small Temples, it's important to choose wisely. The Large Temple stage has two possible end conditions. Firstly, it can end once all 6 of the Large Temples are captured, ushering in the beginning of Olympus. The second possibility is if the Large Temples stages reaches a pre-determined length.
Olympus Stage
To win the world, you and your alliance need to conquer and hold Olympus for an amount of time determined by the world's settings. Olympus will spawn 72 hours after all large temples were conquered or 72 hours after the maximum Large Temple stage length for the world is met (check this table for maximum time). Olympus can randomly spawn anywhere within the borders of the map, and once spawned, Olympus will remain in that location for a maximum of 25 days (dependent on world settings). After this period, Olympus will teleport to a new random spot on the map. When Olympus changes location, all of the units stationed in Olympus will teleport back to their home cities, and the gods will restock Olympus with a brand new and fresh army of neutral units.
After Olympus has been conquered by an alliance, it cannot be attacked by another alliance for 24 hours. The alliance which holds Olympus will need to send their own units to support Olympus against other alliances, and hold it as long as they can. As you'll notice, to win an Olympus world, your alliance must hold it for a predetermined time based on your world's settings, but the maximum time you can hold it continuously will be lower than the amount needed to win the world. For example if on your world Olympus jumps every 11 days, your alliance could conquer it at day 5, and hold if for 6 days. When Olympus moves, your alliance's hold time will stay at 6 days until you conquer it again. In short, to win a world, your alliance will need to conquer and hold Olympus multiple times as it jumps from spot to spot around the map.
Once you have conquered Olympus, supporting it is integral to your continued success, however, all units stationed in Olympus suffer the wrath of the gods in the form of the Curse of Olympus. For full details on the curse, check the dedicated section later in this article.
World End
When an alliance is declared the winner, the world enters peace time. Peace time lasts 14 days and the world is then closed.
Olympus Curse
Conquering Olympus brings you closer to the gods, but as mere mortals, your troops stationed in Olympus begin to suffer from a terrible curse. The gods are testing you!
The Olympus Curse is power which affects all units currently stationed at Olympus after an alliance successfully conquers it. The curse periodically kills 5% of all defending units within the walls of Olympus. This adds an extra layer of challenge to alliances holding Olympus, and makes completing the world's win condition extra hard. To hold Olympus, you will not only need to keep attacks from your enemies at bay, but also you will need to continuously support Olympus with new naval and land defense units to ensure your progress is not wiped out by the gods themselves!
Portal Temples
Portal temples are a special type of Small Temple. Since Olympus periodically changes its position, Portal Temples provide alliances with a way to reach Olympus even if it isn't close to them. This makes Portal Temples an invaluable strategic resource in the Olympus stage, and really could be the difference between winning and losing a world!
To send an atack or support via a Portal Temple to Olympus, you simply need to interact with the temple on the map or through your alliance overview. Click on one of the two icons to send your command via the portal.
Portal attack | Portal support |
The number of Portal Temples available on the world is dependent on the settings of the world, just like the number of Small Temples. Portal Temples don't offer any directly beneficial buffs like the others do until the world reaches Olympus stage. Once Olympus spawns, these temples act as a gateway direct to Olympus. When you control one of these temples, any member of your alliance is able to send attacks or supports to Olympus through a special portal. The total travel time to Olympus is calculated by the travel time from your city to the Portal Temple plus certain amount of hours of the Portal Teleportation Time.
Note: It's important to note that the Portals work only one way, in the direction of Olympus. Troops sent to Olympus through a portal will NOT return through a portal, they will take the long way home and travel the entire distance from Olympus to their home cities.
To capture Olympus is a major feat, so of course, there are some rewards available for those who show the dedication and determination to see it through to the end. Below you can see the unique rewards available for winning and participating in an Olympus world.
For winning an Olympus world, all members of the winning alliance will be rewarded with the Golden Fleece. This magnificent artifact gives the owner a permanent 10% reduction to recruitment costs for Heroes.
All winners will of course also receive a certificate to commemorate their win, as well as being immortalized in the Grepolis Hall of Fame.
Olympus |
Olympus Champion |
Won by the alliance who holds Olympus and wins the world. Can only be won if the world is won within 3 Olympus jumps. |
Olympus Blessing |
Won by the alliance who holds Olympus and wins the world. |
Close to the Gods |
Won by any alliance who conquers Olympus. |
Large Temples | ||
Followers of Artemis | Followers of Athena | Followers of Hades |
Conquered Temple of Artemis | Conquered Temple of Athena | Conquered Temple of Hades |
Followers of Hera | Followers of Poseidon | Followers of Zeus |
Conquered Temple of Hera | Conquered Temple of Poseidon | Conquered Temple of Zeus |
Awakening of the gods | ||
| ||
All Large Temples Conquered before Olympus Spawns |
Small Temples | |||
Devoted Servant | |||
Conquered 1 Small Temple | Conquered 2 Small Temple | Conquered 3 Small Temple | Conquered 4 Small Temple |