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Does muscle building conjure up the thought of having to work out many times a week for the rest of your life? There is more to building muscle than just working out, however. You must learn how muscle building is accomplished so that you may pick methods that will give you results quickly. Keep reading to find some simple and effective tips for building muscle mass quickly.


You need to make sure you eat plenty of vegetables in order to maintain a healthy diet. While diets focused on increasing muscle tend to focus on carbohydrates and protein, they forget about vegetables. Vegetables give you important nutrients which aren't in foods that usually have a lot of protein or carbs. Additionally, they are high in fiber. When you have a good amount of fiber in your body you can utilize the protein going into your body.

If you are trying to build muscle, you are going to have to start eating more over all. Increase your food intake to the amount of calories that will produce a weight gain of one pound per week. Find ways to consume more calories, and if you do not notice any changes within two weeks, add even more to your diet.

Do not exceed 60 minutes, when working out. After sixty minutes, your body will begin to produce increased amounts of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol blocks testosterone--a hormone that promotes muscle growth--and undermines all of the work you are putting into building muscle. Keeping workouts less than sixty minutes is a great way to get the most out of your workout.

Making sure that you are getting a lot of protein will help you build a lot of muscle. One of the best ways to get the protein that you need is by utilizing protein shakes and supplements. These shakes work very well immediately after you workout and right before you hit the sack. Take one each day if you desire weight loss and muscle strengthening. However, if you want to gain weight as well as build muscle, you should consume as many as three protein shakes or supplements daily.

A great method of motivating yourself is to set short-term goals and give yourself rewards when you reach them. While truly building and maintaining muscle mass is a long-term achievement, motivation is key to staying on course. Including rewards which actually benefit your muscle building routine is an even greater motivation! If you were to treat yourself to an occasional massage, it would help your recovery by increasing blood flow to your muscles, helping you relax, and alleviating soreness, allowing you to return to your workouts well-rested.

Trying to build up muscle mass while you are engaging in marathon training, or other tough cardio workouts, is not advisable. Getting a good cardio workout is essential, but it can diminish your efforts to gain muscle. If adding muscle is your primary goal, focus on strength training and reduce the amount of cardio your perform.

Switch up your workout routine. Make sure you are always challenging yourself to do new things and that you're challenging your body as well. Use different exercises every couple workouts to ensure that you are targeting all of your muscle groups. If you change your routines every so often, you will remain interested and motivated longer.

To get the most from your workouts, figure out your limit and go beyond it, not stopping until you are totally wiped out. Keep pushing yourself to complete the exercises in a set even if you're tired. Don't stop until you literally cannot do any more of the exercise. If necessary, you can use a pyramid system and decrease the number of reps as you fatigue.

Many people make the mistake of increasing their protein consumption as soon as they begin a muscle building regimen. This can cause an increase in calories, and if not enough exercise is being done, can lead to fat gain. Increase your protein intake slowly, adding a couple hundred calories at a time every few days. Your body will be able to keep up with the increase this way, using the extra protein to grow muscle.

Has this article provided you with the answers you have been seeking? If you have not, you need to do more research to find the answers you need. There are new techniques being tested and written about daily, so keep up with innovation and your body will give you the results you've been looking for!