Organic diapers

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Disposable diapers are a mom's best friend and one of the Earth's worst enemies. According to the Clean Air Council, Americans throw away 49 million diapers per day. In fact, they account for two percent of the garbage generated in the U.S. "Diapers are one of the largest contributors to landfills," explains Sara Snow, natural and green living expert and author of Fresh Living: The Essential Room-by-Room Guide to a Greener, Healthier Family and Home. "And we don't really know how long it takes for them to decompose."

In addition, The Real Diaper Association says that disposable diapers contain ingredients that could harm animals, humans and the environment. They contain polyethylene, petroleum, wood pulp, gelling material, perfume and polypropylene, as well as non-renewable, petroleum-based ingredients. And the simple of act of making a disposable diaper releases dioxin into the environment, a toxin that has been linked to cancer and found to pose a threat to developing fetuses.
