Pittsburgh LED Manufacturers Making Warhol Shine

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A company that is committed to enviromentally-conscious ideals reaps its own benefits. But in the city of Pittsburgh, keeping things green at your company can win you major points as well. For the last few years, Sustainable Pittsburgh has sponsored an initiative called the Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge. What the program does is verify the authenticity of each participants green deeds. Each activity undertaken by a participant earns that participant a pre-determined number of points. Each company is classified according to size and a winner is declared in each classification.

In the past, the competition was limited to for-profit entities. Community organizations such as nonprofits and colleges/universities are now included in the competition. Recognizing an opportunity for ecological advancement, the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh added its name to the list of participants. And they've done quite well. The CMoP was awarded a silver medal in its category (Medium Nonprofit).

Every facet of daily operations was scrutinized for its potential to become more sustainable. Easily enough, they managed to cut waste just by urging two-sided copies when possible. A large portion of the Museums' advancements can be traced to its embrace of LED light fixtures. Though, LEDs in a museum setting has been a hard sell. It should be apparent that lighting is of utmost importance to how artworks are consumed by patrons and therefore quality of LED lighting was a major point of contention. But now the technology is catching up with the stringent demands of museum curators. Another aspect of the debate is close to being settled; studies show no lasting harm as the result of commercial LED lighting fixtures.

Pittsburgh is on the rise as a small city that is putting green technologies to good use. The city is increasing its standing as a nationally-recognized green city with programs such as the Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge. This is all added to the fact that many green-minded businesses have called Pittsburgh home for nearly a decade. For instance, Laface and McGovern Associates, Inc., a Pittsburgh LED light manufacturer has been designing and installing LED light fixtures all over the city since 2010.

Even though being green is the responsible thing to do, it doesn't hurt that it might win you an award as well. It is these kinds of programs that lead to beautiful cities inside and out. And Pittsburgh just keeps getting prettier and prettier.

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