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Quitting smoking is not easy, even for those that are strong-willed. Even people who are truly motivated to quit still rely on smoking to a certain extent. The advice in this article will help you finally kick the habit for good.

To boost your odds of successfully quitting smoking, think about putting down on paper all the potential advantages and consequences of quitting. Writing things down can change your whole mindset. Your efforts will be easier this way because you will be focused on your goal.

Make your quitting attempt as easy on yourself as you can. Under no circumstances should you attempt to quit cold turkey. If you try this out, you will undoubtedly fail! Because nicotine is so addicting, a patch, medication, or therapy may be helpful. This will ease you through the difficult early withdrawal stages and make quitting easier.

Have loved ones support your decision to quit smoking. Also, make sure that they know not to be judgmental and are as optimistic as possible to improve your chance for success. Initially, you may suffer from mood swings and cloudy judgement and the people around you should be aware of it. Quitting smoking is not easy, so you should enlist the support of your loved ones to help you through the process.

Consider nicotine replacement therapy. The effects of nicotine withdrawal may make you feel irritable, depressed or restless. Cravings can be difficult to ignore. Consider nicotine replacement therapy. Studies show that individuals who use nicotine gums, patches or lozenges double their chances of quitting successfully. Don't use these products if you are still smoking, though.

In order to quit your smoking, you should aim to create your own list of how you can quit. Customize this list to your life and needs, in order to stop effectively. What works for someone else may not work for you. It is very important that you specifically figure out what ways work the best for you. Make a list for yourself.

Do not attempt this by yourself. Ask your family for support while you quit and accept their assistance. Joining a support group is another great idea. Discussing how you feel with others who are experiencing the same difficulties can help you power through and beat smoking for good.

Cut back on smoking. This is a great starting point on your quest to quit smoking. It is wise to hold off for at least 60 minutes prior to having the initial cigarette of each day. Try smoking only half a cigarette to reduce your smoking.

Create a plan to reward yourself each time you reach a milestone in your quitting efforts. Note some goodies that you will let yourself have when you have quit smoking for a month, a week or just a day. Put the list somewhere where you will be able to see it daily. This can motivate you at times of weakness.

As you can see, there are may ideas that can help you with your commitment to quit smoking. The key is to stay determined and stick to any plans you set forth for yourself. This article provides an array of effective tactics for helping you do just that, and finally live a life free of smoking. diy e juice