Skateboard Tips and Tricks for Beginners

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To keep skateboarding challenging and fun, you should do the tricks you know how to do well and mix them up with tougher ones, that way you don’t get bored. Here are some amazing skateboard tips and tricks that every beginner as well as intermediate skater should learn that will keep your audience fixed in skate parks. It is not advisable for you to work on the same trick for a long time; it can become boring or frustrating for you to continue. Just try to have fun while learning new tricks, it gets better that way.

One of the most fun How to kickflip that will elevate your status in skate parks is the dropping in and kicking trick. You need the basis for this and you also need to be committed in other for this to work. All you need for this trick is a low center of gravity, bend your knees and lean forward, you are definitely going to land it. Don’t be scared of leaning forward, just trust in your ability as well as the technique and you will definitely land it. Fear is something you don’t need when trying to pull this technique off.

Another on the list of skateboard tips and tricks that can help beginners go up the scale when they meet their fellow skaters is the 50 50 grind. Now, this can be a bit challenging so it is recommended that before you try this technique, you should probably try to Ollie sideways before attempting this trick. So basically, this technique is just for you to Ollie sideways which can lock your grind and you off to go. Now it is better for you to practice this technique before trying it out so you don’t end up hurting yourself.

Have you ever heard of this trick called the front side nose slide? Well, it’s a pretty fun trick that you can show off to your friends once you have learned it. The trick to learning this technique is that you should know how to nose stall first before going into it proper. Basically, you should be able to nose stall boxes, benches and any other thing you can Ollie into. Whatever works for you is fine, you can choose to nose stall with Ollie if you want, and most beginners do so you are not an exception.

The last but not the least on the list of skateboard tips and tricks to help beginners become excellent skaters is the kick flip. Yeah it sounds challenging but you can do it and once you learn it, you will be doing this technique all the time. This trick is wanted by many beginners but it is challenging and you need determination to make it work, it might take time to learn it but don’t get frustrated. You need videos to learn this or someone who really knows this trick well to teach you, make sure you relax and learn it well.